Golf Academy

Our award winning championship course

Next level coaching

I would tell every player no matter what level learn how spin moves the ball. Once you understand spin you are no longer captive to the golf course. You finally have the tools and ability to navigate your ball around the golf course. If you understand spin you don’t even need to think about Swing Path, Face Angle at Impact or Angle of Attack. Because you will be controlling your golf ball based on the laws of physics. How spin moves an object. Once you understand spin you just see the shot and know what spin moves the ball in the desired direction. Time On Task will build your confidence. But nothing beats understanding and knowing how spin effects your ball.

Forensic Golf Academy

If you answer yes to any of these questions then it’s time to get involved with next-level golf instruction from Forensic Golf Academy.

We focus on playing golf versus golf swing. We all have seen some amazing swings on the practice area and then see those same players struggle the moment they walk to the first tee. Let us help you develop your best possible golf swing by breaking down gross motor flaws and replacing them with consistent dynamic swinging motions that repeat.

We offer customized instruction that goes into our five steps to greatness add that to our course management and golfer positioning system which will increase power, flexibility, and focus & confidence. Forensic Golf Academy focuses on personalized training and improvement drill plans that flat out work.

Together we will address and teach the five must-do mechanics for better golf.

We will change the way you have been approaching practicing and playing and bring the focus to not only improved mechanics but also improved play because that is the goal at the end of the day again golf swing versus playing golf and playing better golf is our goal.

Forensic Golf

We will also cover in detail how to finally play all those so-called awkward lies that have added numerous strokes to your card over the years. You will no longer fear side hill, downhill, ball above feet or ball below feet lies anymore once you learn the Golfer Positioning System.


The Academy offers

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